Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Horse - De Atramentis Document Brown Ink Test

So, I was finally able to obtain some De Atramentis document brown ink.  Getting a hold of this ink in the US is like winning the lottery (I have been trying since the summer).  And having the chance to actually get to play with it, I can see why it it is so valued.  

Wow.  This ink is just smooth.  I did a quick sketch using a dip pen (kuretake comic book nib) and the ink flowed smoothly and gracefully on the paper.  What a joy.  Since the ink is waterproof, I added some Noodler's kiowa pecan to blend for shadows.  The sketch was finished off with a bit of watercolor.

                          Pen & Ink on 180lbs paper (with a touch of watercolor)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Twilight Feeding

This is a large, 12x16 inches.  I have been wanting to go "big" for a while, but taking photos of the larger paintings with my antiquated iPhone was not getting the job done.  The new scanner is allowing me use my larger paper/pads.  It is certainly freeing to be able to go big and use bolder brush strokes.  Lots of layers of color here, especially on the horse (its anatomy got whacked a bit as a result, but I am fine with the end product).

                                   Watercolor on 140lbs block 12x16

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Weekley Sketches

Just trying to do more simple sketches, doodles and what nots in my new sketchbook.  Doodling is just fun. . .and relaxing. 

I am looking to rediscover my lettering and calligraphy skill.  Believe it or not, in a time before computer fonts, I used to lots of hand lettering (and was quite good at it).  Now, my skills have atrophied.  The new pilot parallel pens I received for my birthday are the perfect tools and opportunity to just practice.


Friday, February 13, 2015

Quick Sketches in the Airport

Taking an online class on sketching people and used a recent business trip to sketch the other people waiting for their planes.  These are little sketches in a small sketch book (3.5x5.5 inches) done directly in pen with water-soluble ink (with assists by the niji waterbrush).  Each took only a couple of minutes and I resisted the urge to over work them.

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Technicolor Dream Pandas

I am experimenting with a looser style and tying to use more layers and mixed colors.  The "black" panda fur was not a tube black, but a mix of blue, red and orange (you can see some purples creeping through).  The cobalt teal created nice highlights to round out the white fur. 

This is the first picture scanned with my new large format scanner (goes to ~11x17 inches).  Most of my pictures are 9x12 and they do not fit on a normal letter size scanner.  Looking at the scanning bed, I am excited to try it for the larger 12x16 as well.

                                    Watercolor on 140 lbs paper 9x12